I would like to keep track of chat rooms like the Tavern or the main chat room of the tex site, but I don't always post messages in them, so they age away. 

Would it be possible to somehow pin them to my list of chat rooms at the top right?
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
update April 2020: we've gone the whole hog and now allow rooms to be manually pinned after all.


We are trialling an alternative…

> I would like to keep track of chat rooms like the Tavern or the main chat room of the tex site, but I don't always post messages in them, so they age away.

Rather than let you choose which rooms to pin manually, the system now shows rooms that you chat in more, for longer. If you leave a single comment, the room will hang around in the list for a few days. If you leave hundreds, the room will remain in the list for up to three months even if you stop chatting entirely, and forever if you comment at least once every three months.

> Would it be possible to somehow pin them to my list of chat rooms at the top right?

We've also sorted the room list by total comments (and then most recent comment). This has the effect of keeping the sort order quite stable, especially for rooms we chat in fairly often. You should find that The Tavern and TopTeX are effectively pinned now.

Please note these changes are experimental and subject to being rolled back if feedback is negative! We can also tweak the algorithm in various directions if you need us to.

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