James Douglas
| date | change | related meta posts/comments
| :--: | ------ | -------------
| 2020-12-06 | email notifications | [How to activate email notification?](/meta?q=1459), [Without an e-mail addr, how do you send notifications that someone has responded to a question or comment?](/meta?q=487)
| 2020-10-04 | draft posts with full version history | [Drafts functionality](/meta?q=869)
| 2020-07-05 | rudimentary tag list page | [Is there a way to browse a list of tags?](/meta?q=485), [Better support for tags](/meta?q=694), [Four suggestions for the site](/meta?q=967), [View/filter questions by tag](/meta?q=369)
| 2020-06-28 | chat minimaps |
| 2020-05-30 | tag adding/editing on post page | [Posting a question should ask for tags up front](/meta?q=399)
| 2020-05-28 | line numbering in code blocks | [Is code review on topic?](/tex?q=1069), "[the syntax is…](/transcript?room=1103&id=50468#c50468)"
| 2020-05-28 | switch all markdown code blocks to use a readonly CodeMirror instance (experimental)
| 2020-05-26 | revamp of post history pages | [Changes to tags should show up in post edit history](/meta?q=427), "[Post history seems a better place than chat for flag events, too...](/transcript?room=438&id=9070#c9070)"
| 2020-05-20 | 'infinite' chat scrolling | "[I will say it would be nice to "load older messages" at the top of the chat pane…](/transcript?room=1&id=40280#c40280)"
| 2020-05-16 | answer 'labels' (sort/search to follow) | [Answer language labels](/codegolf?q=1032), "[…For me, being able to tag, sort, and search answers by language would be the highest-leverage feature that doesn't require implementing something really major like an on-page code interpreter.](/transcript?room=616&id=41402#c41402)"
| 2020-05-14 | new home page design | [Home Page Design Proposal](/meta?q=942#a1105)
| 2020-05-09 | live code editing | [Try It Online integration is (nearly) complete](/meta?q=997)
| 2020-05-08 | show/hide comment preview | [Add a way to hide or disable chat markdown previews](/meta?q=292)
| 2020-05-07 | use codemirror for all syntax highlighting | [Can we highlight just one thing?](/meta?q=988)
| 2020-04-24 | cross-community feeds | [Hybrid community feed](/meta?q=833)
| 2020-04-23 | moved chat footer to header | [Design proposal](https://topanswers.xyz/meta?q=739)
| 2020-04-23 | updated home page with recent posts feed
| 2020-04-21 | persistent pagination and search | [Browsing questions + using browser "back" button is suboptimal](/meta?q=652), "[Is it possible to return from a question on page 25 without losing the "page" focus on backspace?](/transcript?room=2&id=35853#c35853)"
| 2020-04-19 | Wikipedia oneboxing
| 2020-04-18 | xkcd oneboxing | "[We'll know TA is out of beta when xkcd one-boxes](/transcript?room=4&id=37281#c37281)"
| 2020-04-17 | pinned rooms | [Pin a chatroom permanently to list of rooms](/meta?q=505)
| 2020-04-16 | room list moved to footer
| 2020-04-13 | notification history | "[…Would it be possible to dismiss the notification but still keep them in the pane?…](/transcript?room=1&id=31017#c31017)"
| 2020-04-12 | amalgamated certain repeated notifications | "[multiple edits to the same post now show as a single notification…](/transcript?room=510&id=35363#c35363)"
| 2020-04-06 | cosmetic changes to question display | [Design proposal](https://topanswers.xyz/meta?q=739)
| 2020-04-03 | profiles for other users can now be viewed
| 2020-03-19 | merged notifications panel with chat/starboard area
| 2020-03-18 | removed margin around chat area and increased resizer width | [Design proposal](https://topanswers.xyz/meta?q=739#a858)|
| 2020-03-09 | fix starring from starboard | 
| 2020-03-04 | new markdown shortcut buttons | 
| 2020-03-03 | shrink licence links | [UI suggestions](/meta?q=623), "[…The license link sounds sensible, but I'd further suggest moving it to the bottom of the post in the row where "edit" and stuff is.](/transcript?room=638&id=15533#c15533)"
| 2020-03-02 | youtube oneboxing | "[Thanks @Pax you are right, it's quite simple…](/transcript?room=1&id=23793#c23793)", [The (not very) Many Memes of Meta](/meta?q=29#a15)
| 2020-02-29 | responsive question page | [Please do not assume wide screens](/meta?q=228)
| 2020-02-28 | responsive answer page | [Please do not assume wide screens](/meta?q=228)
| 2020-02-19 | adjust header navigation and rollout to all pages | [Make the site selector universally available](/meta?q=645), [Browsing questions + using browser "back" button is suboptimal](/meta?q=652)
| 2020-02-17 | new search features | [Is there a way to browse a list of tags?](/meta?q=485), [View/filter questions by tag](/meta?q=369), [Better support for tags](/meta?q=694)
| 2020-02-16 | new header navigation control | [Special "About" post](/meta?q=640)
| 2020-02-12 | make long code blocks expandable | [A proposal for less crowding in chat pane (particularly on long comments)](/meta?q=513#a563)
| 2020-02-10 | tweak voting thresholds to be exact powers of 10 | [How is reputation earned?](/meta?q=232#a179)
| 2020-02-09 | system notifications | [New system notifications](/meta?q=699)
| 2020-02-09 | limit the number of answer summaries visible
| 2020-02-04 | switch notification order | [Notifications in 'newest first' order.](/meta?q=677)
| 2020-01-31 | 'or later' license selection | [To-do list before going public](/tex?q=379#a703), […I always specify the version as an inequality (e.g., GPL ≥3.0)…](/transcript?room=543&id=15058#c15058)
| 2020-01-22 | SE account linking | [Link SE identity without manual admin intervention](/meta?q=409#a647)
| 2020-01-18 | improve look of quoted comments | 
| 2020-01-16 | stable sort order for room icons | [Pin a chatroom permanently to list of rooms](/meta?q=505)
| 2020-01-15 | room icons now use community colour only | [Custom question room avatars](/meta?q=432#a437)
| 2020-01-12 | room icon 'unread' counter revamp | "[…the new message counts on chat room icons have stopped appearing…](/transcript?room=1&id=11228&year=2019&month=12&day=27#c11228)", [Allow opening chat rooms in new tabs](/meta?q=536#a586)
| 2020-01-11 | star board (take 2)
| 2020-01-06 | show extra hover info on question list | "[…I can't tell which answer was edited…](https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=1&id=12209#c12209)"
| 2020-01-05 | add landing page | [Feature Request: Landing Page](/meta?q=514), [Please add an "about" or "imprint" page](/meta?q=263)
| 2020-01-04 | improve metadata for imported posts | [Keep original date of imported posts](/meta?q=457), [Show who imported a post from SE](/meta?q=495)
| 2020-01-03 | fail2ban with some default apache filters 
| 2020-01-01 | ~~star board~~
| 2019-12-30 | rounded corners on user identicons

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