Did you consider to add pagiation to the list of questions (e.g.

- If searching for some specific post, using the `show more` button can be a bit cumbersome because it does not allow to skip to a specific location. For example if I remember that the post I'm looking for was one of the first posts, I have to press the `show more` button several times until I reach it

- without pagination I feel kinda lost, because I have no idea how much more posts there are. I don't know if it is feasible to just skim all the titles and if I stop somewhere there is always this nagging feeling "what if there are only one or two more post, then you would have seem all instead of giving up mid way"
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
Thanks for the suggestion, we've added pagination.

> without pagination I feel kinda lost, because I have no idea how much more posts there are.

This is one benefit I didn't think of — I like the way the pagination control gives us an at-a-glance measure of the total number of questions:

![Screenshot 2019-12-23 at 21.49.17.png](/image?hash=6f75b8de2cf99025dfc3c088a61531c98b8aa78a7153d8f113ad53466f15cfcd)

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