I only just now figured out that the top right nav bar is... well... a nav bar.
Of course now I've also noticed that it gets filled with "gravatar" style icons for question-rooms I'm participating in and I can fast-navigate.
Here's the one for _this very question_:
Sadly though, only the "room"-rooms have friendly icons and the questions are auto-generated. Would it be pragmatic to add a "custom icon" option for questions to make them more distinctive in the nav bar?
To also head off the conversation around certain obvious compelling truths about why this might be a bad idea here's an ["LMGTFY" for free icon libs][1] (although I imagine the one with the best API would be the winner).
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
> Would it be pragmatic to add a "custom icon" option for questions to make them more distinctive in the nav bar?
They already do!
If you find the right room :). I've added icons to a few — basically those I expect will get chat traffic for years rather than days/weeks:
Feel free to post suggestions for other long-lived question rooms (like this one?) as answers here — I've subscribed to this question so I should see them.
Answer #2
I'm not sure this is a good idea. Already the "real rooms" (top level room(s) belonging to sites) are being drowned out in the bar by the somewhat less important and transient question rooms. I would almost argue that all question rooms should just have a solid color (matching their parent site theme) with no icons at all, or that the identicon should be dimmed out or tinted or something so than the rooms with _REAL_ icons stand out more.