James Douglas
One meme per answer please.
Top Answer
Josh Darnell
# Needs Refresh
[First referenced][1] on 2019-10-31 in [The Heap][2].
A reminder from the development team to refresh a webpage in order to see a specific bug fix or feature change. Implies the reader doesn't know how websites work.
[1]: https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=2&year=2019&month=10#c553
[2]: https://topanswers.xyz/databases?room=2
Answer #2
James Douglas
# Room 3
[First referenced][1] on 2019-11-07 in [stop the merry-go-round][2].
An inaccessible, and obviously nefarious, chatroom. A clear sign that TopAnswers has already become an evil corporation.
[1]: https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=4&id=859#c859
[2]: https://topanswers.xyz/databases?room=4
Answer #3
James Douglas
# 6 to 8 days
[First referenced][1] on 2019-11-12 in [stop the merry-go-round][2].
A not so subtle dig at Stack Overflow's turnaround time for new features and bug fixes.
[1]: /transcript?room=4&id=2063#c2063
[2]: /databases?room=4
Answer #4
James Douglas
# New New Chat
[First referenced][1] on 2019-11-06 in [stop the merry-go-round][2].
A call for replacing this site's chat anytime a bug or limitation is discovered. An arbitrary number of "New"s can be added as needed.
[1]: https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=4&year=2019&month=11&day=6#c770
[2]: https://topanswers.xyz/databases?room=4