After posting a few things I went to my profile, expecting to see links to those posts.  But the profile page is currently only profile settings.  On SE, I found that set of links really important, both in finding my own stuff (e.g. to answer a related question where I want to link to prior work) and in looking for specific things I remember that so-and-so posted, or for that matter just to get a sense of another user's interests and work.  (Hey, so-and-so gave me a great answer to that thorny git problem; what else has this person written that I might benefit from?)

Is this already planned but you just haven't gotten to it?  If so, do you have any sense of when it might be possilbe?  If you're not planning on it, are you open to persuasion?
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
update 10 Mar 2020: both your questions and answers are now available on your profile page — it looks pretty basic right now and we plan to pretty it up further down the line!


update 1st Feb 2020: we've now displaying a rudimentary list of questions on your profile.

This will be expanded to answers and other contributions once we are happy with the way it works for questions (feedback would be most welcome).


> Is this already planned but you just haven't gotten to it?

Yes, absolutely, it's an essential feature. Very little thought on my part has yet gone into the details of implementation, but I don't have any doubt that we need to make this available.

> If so, do you have any sense of when it might be possible?

I suspect that at least something rudimentary will be released fairly soon (days or weeks but not months[^1]). We'll update this post when that happens, thanks for bringing it up!

[^1]: In the event this slipped off our radar and did end up taking a couple of months, sorry about that!

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