I know I'm the odd one out sometimes in these matters, but I'd like to suggest that the site should be possible to **read** without having Javascript and XmlHttpRequest turned on.
Currently, browsing to https://topanswers.xyz without Javascript and XHR on (for example, using uMatrix in a default-block configuration) results in a completely blank page. The site _looks_ functional, but as if there's nothing there.
Viewing a question having disabled Javascript in the browser results in a wall of unformatted text.
Yes, people in general browse with Javascript-capable browsers and everything turned on; but there is a not-insignificant minority (and I suspect that it's larger among technical people) who have their browsers' ability to run unknown third-party code locked down. By all means use Javascript to _enhance_ the experience, but please make it possible to at least _read_ the site without running Javascript and making extra asynchronous requests to the server.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
We've taken a few steps in the right direction…
> I know I'm the odd one out sometimes in these matters, but I'd like to suggest that the site should be possible to read without having Javascript and XmlHttpRequest turned on.
> Currently, browsing to https://topanswers.xyz without Javascript and XHR on (for example, using uMatrix in a default-block configuration) results in a completely blank page. The site looks functional, but as if there's nothing there.
…you no longer get a completely blank page — you can see questions, answers and even chat, but you do only see the raw markdown. It doesn't look too bad and it is readable enough — but we may go further later on and if we do I'll update this post.
> By all means use Javascript to enhance the experience, but please make it possible to at least read the site without running Javascript and making extra asynchronous requests to the server.
Apart from reading the site, basic navigation should work, and not all of it does right now. This still isn't a major focus but again, we'll update this answer as and when we make more progress on this.
Answer #2
Yes please!
This also matters for crawlers and scrapers. Google's crawler can render and parse content on sites that load it via Javascript, but not all crawlers are there.
Progressive enhancement takes a bit of thinking ahead of time to decide what to load when, but in the end it's a good thing. And for those of us that _do_ use Javascript, the experience is usually bettter, not worse, on sites that have done this right.