Solomon Rutzky
It is very common, in questions and answers, to make note of error messages. It would be super awesome to be able to visually indicate these separately from any other info that would otherwise be block-quoted.

Reading through the [What markdown options are available?]( FAQ, I followed one of the links to the GitHub repo for **markdown-it** which mentioned a plugin for [markdown-it-container]( which, at first glance, appears to handle such a request.

Going along with the default syntax, I guess it could be something along the lines of:

::: error
Msg 50000, State 16, Level 42
Somethin done gone wronged

which would then render in a style different from the block quote `>` style. Something like a bright-red background, and white text enclosed in a `<blink>` tag ;-).
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
We've implemented this with a different syntax (and minus the `<blink>`!), so:

~~~ error
Msg 50000, State 16, Level 42
Somethin done gone wronged


~~~ error
Msg 50000, State 16, Level 42
Somethin done gone wronged

Using `:::` would be bending the rules a bit here as this isn't really a container, it will render all the text inside the fence 'as is' including white-space, and will not process any contained markdown — in other words it behaves more like a code fence with a special style.

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