On some pages (most recently seen on [my last question](, but also seen elsewhere, I'm getting a RequireJS loading timeout:
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: select2.6b983cad5301a9a7,jquery.waitforimages.ddbd1d428d6bff75,starrr.a95baf4870cd4d81,jquery.simplePagination.b892c57d7f01a4e5,paste.6bcdb4817596af13,jquery.6ad657dafdfaa495
at makeError (require.04ef68a65b54ab49.js:5)
at R (require.04ef68a65b54ab49.js:5)
at require.04ef68a65b54ab49.js:5
That's preventing pages rendering correctly, and specifically preventing Markdown from rendering, resulting in a question page like this:

If the timeout itself can't easily be solved, there should at least be some indication that something went wrong, instead of just displaying nothing.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
We think we have figured this out.
Our RequireJS shims for the libraries we use that aren't module-aware were misconfigured to use the 'versioned' jquery module name rather than just 'jquery'.
> If the timeout itself can't easily be solved, there should at least be some indication that something went wrong, instead of just displaying nothing.
Displaying nothing where there is an error isn't good — we'll come back to this so I'm leaving it tagged `in-progress` for now.