avalonia funcui add tag
I created simple but flexible and independent Views for my model types: 

let summaryView summary = 
    Grid.create [
        Grid.children [
            // define ui for summary

Some of them has exactly the same view on different pages but should be placed there differently.

For example, I want to specify View's position in the `Grid` or decorate it with common attributes (like alignments, fontStyles, etc) additionally.

let page1 page dispatch = 
    let summaryV = page.Summary |> summaryView
    Grid.create [
        Grid.rowDefinitions "Auto, Auto, *"
        Grid.children [
            // how to specify position for this element?

So, how can I add new properties to instance that is already created ? 
To be more specific: how to put `summaryView` in a third row of `Grid` on the `page1`?
Top Answer
Answer written for `0.4.3` version.

To achieve it you can write simple helper functions:

module View =                                                                         
    open Avalonia.FuncUI.Types

    let withAttr (attr: IAttr<'view>) (view: IView<'view>) = 
        { viewType = view.ViewType
          attrs = attr::view.Attrs }
        :> IView<'view> 

    let withAttrs (attrs: IAttr<'view> list) (view: IView<'view>) = 
        { viewType = view.ViewType
          attrs = view.Attrs |> List.append attrs }
        :> IView<'view>


The first one is handy when only one additional attribute is needed.


|> View.withAttr (Grid.row 2)


|> View.withAttrs [
    Grid.row 2

*Note*: There is a chance that similar functions will be included to the next releases of the `Avalonia.FuncUI.DSL` library.

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