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1. Thanks for db<>fiddle. It's amazing.
2. I'm assuming it's in the backlog already but in case it's not: please add [PostgreSQL 17](
3. It would be nice to have [pgrouting]( extension, if possible. There's a variety of packages and [dockerfiles]( bundling it with PostGIS.
4. A `stop` button would be a welcome addition. Sometimes I hit `run` and notice a problem I'd stop the run for. The only option in that situation is to wait and waste the space and compute, or switch to another tab and just waste the space and compute.
5. `donate` leads to a page that doesn't accept donations.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
Apologies for the long delay, I've been busy with other things

1. You are very welcome, I'm glad you find it useful :)
1. Postgres 17 is now up and running
1. pgrouting is now added for v16 and v17:
1. I've added this - I find it pretty useful myself!
1. fixed

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