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User 1791
Regarding a db<>fiddle like this: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=ceb321a925e6328c5d4103f80503ded3


**DB<>Fiddle Markdown:** 

We can hit the [markdown link](https://dbfiddle.uk/markdown?rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=ceb321a925e6328c5d4103f80503ded3) which generates the following content (which is very handy for SE and TA posts):

<!-- -->
>     select 1 from dual
> <pre>
> |  1 |
> | -: |
> |  1 |
> </pre>

<!-- -->
>     select 2 from dual
> <pre>
> |  2 |
> | -: |
> |  2 |
> </pre>

*db<>fiddle [here](https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=ceb321a925e6328c5d4103f80503ded3)*


**My take:** 

With that said, I don't think I understand why there's so much "fluff" in the formatting. Why are these things necessary?
 - `<!-- -->`
 - `<pre>`
 - `> `

From the outside looking in, I would have thought formatting like this might be more practical:

     select 1 from dual
 |  1 |
 | -: |
 |  1 |

     select 2 from dual
 |  2 |
 | -: |
 |  2 |



My experience has been that people often remove the extra fluff when using the markdown content. If that's the case, then I wonder, what's the intended purpose of that extra markdown formatting?

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