User 1791
Oracle 18c db<>fiddle:
I have a query that I use to generate test data: [Generate grid line coordinates using SQL](
I can change the number in row #6 to generate more rows. For example, if I change it from 10 to 100, then the query will produce 20,200 rows in db<>fiddle, without issue.
with dimension as (
select 0 as point from dual
union all
select level
from dual
connect by level <= 10
), points as (
a.point as startpoint,
b.point as endpoint,
c.point as fixed
from dimension a
cross join dimension b
cross join dimension c
where b.point - a.point = 1
startpoint as startpoint_x,
fixed as startpoint_y,
endpoint as endpoint_x,
fixed as endpoint_y
from points
union all
fixed as startpoint_x,
startpoint as startpoint_y,
fixed as endpoint_x,
endpoint as endpoint_y
from points
order by startpoint_y, endpoint_y, startpoint_x, endpoint_x
Out of curiosity, is there a limit to how many rows db<>fiddle is willing to return? (knowing that the expand button would need to be used to display more than 10 rows)
I don't actually need or want hundreds of thousands of rows, I'm just curious.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
There is no specific row limit in any of the engines as far as I remember.
There are various other limits in one or more engines though:
* an execution timeout
* checks on total memory used with [`memory_get_peak_usage`](
* resource limits, like maximum disk usage, connect time, cpu usage