[Update on .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI)](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/update-on-dotnet-maui/)
[Performance Improvements in .NET 6](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/performance-improvements-in-net-6/)
@Flithor wow, I didn't know `LiveCharts2` is coming. I thought the project is dead. Thank you for the answer
[Avalonia 0.10.0 Release](http://avaloniaui.net/blog/2020-12-29-avalonia-0.10.0-release)
[15 Nuget Packages for Xamarin Forms and .Net](https://devcrux.com/blog/15-nuget-packages-for-xamarin-forms-and-net/)
I'm going to raise the idea of mixed-case tags on Meta but I don't see why it shouldn't happen
I've set that up but I've done it inside fsharp.ta rather than here :)
also there is probably no good reason why we shouldn't allow mixed case for tags, would you be in favour of that?
[Show HN: Cross Platform MVU Apps with F#](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23741382)
[Will C# replace F#?](https://www.compositional-it.com/news-blog/will-csharp-replace-fsharp/)
if I have a "connection pool full" error with .net core 2.1 and ef core does that fix itself over time automatically?
[Introducing .NET Multi-platform App UI](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-net-multi-platform-app-ui/)
Can someone who has rights add some core tags? Like fsharp, avalonia, xamarin, winforms, linq etc)
[F# Online - Josef Starýchfojtů - FSharpPlus - Advanced FP concepts in F#](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxJCHJgG8ws)

Sadly F# is unvalued. And I can understand that. No sense to choose language with worst support (tools, IDE, libraries, ...) when there is C# that serves well
F# looks really interesting — I love the cleanness, and it reminds me a little be of APL even though the syntax is worlds apart
F# is your language of choice? is that what your personal project is written in?
Anyway, app was built successfully but, unfortunately, an exception was thrown on one page. System.Runtime.InteropServices.MissingInteropDataException. Since I used only few classes from NAudio I decided that it is easier to find another library than spend time to localization and fixing bug (if it is possible at all) in NAudio. One of possible options was [ManagedBass](https://github.com/ManagedBass/ManagedBass). Well, tbh, I haven't tried the rest of my list cause this library fits fine. Startup time is significantly faster and there are no any exceptions so far.
I was looking for alternative to [NAudio](https://github.com/naudio/NAudio). Some context: I finally have time to return to my personal project and I wanted to give a chance to [CoreRt](https://github.com/dotnet/corert). Last time there was a matter with [Rx.Net](https://github.com/dotnet/reactive) (that comes to a project as a dependency to [Avalonia](https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia)) but since it was fixed I haven't seen any additional issues.
:-) I'm worrying about my English mostly. Qs creating is quite a challenge to me still especially when it's not related to programming directly. Yeah, I know. Moreover I prefer chats over Q&A but since I'm new here decided to clarify rules first. Well, really, maybe there is a better option than one that I found. So I'll write it down
you seem [to know](/meta?q=969) how to ask questions properly ;) glad you found what you were looking for — you can always ask anything in chat of course (whether you'll get an answer is another matter)
Right. I'll try to create one. Not today though. Btw, I found an answer to my unspoken question about libraries. Therefore I can wait and, who knows, maybe someone with ability to write Qs properly do it instead of me
a meta question would be great as that would have higher visibility, both now and in the future