add tag
Lyndon Gingerich
I wish to add a property with the date of the current Git commit to the assembly info.

From my .csproj:

<Exec Command="git -C &quot;$(ProjectDir).&quot; log -1 --pretty=format:%ad"
	  Condition="'$(GitCommitDate)' == ''">
	<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GitCommitDate" />

Build output interpretation: `git -C "<project directory>\." log -1 --pretty=format:-­`

Output: `-`

Using raw format:

<Exec Command="git -C &quot;$(ProjectDir).&quot; log -1 --pretty=format:%aD"
	  Condition="'$(GitCommitDate)' == ''">
	<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GitCommitDate" />

Build output interpretation: `git -C "<project directory>\." log -1 --pretty=format:­-`

Output: `-`

Doubling `%` characters to escape them:

<Exec Command="git -C &quot;$(ProjectDir).&quot; log -1 --pretty=format:%%aD"
	  Condition="'$(GitCommitDate)' == ''">
	<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GitCommitDate" />

Build output interpretation: `git -C "<project directory>\." log -1 --pretty=format:%-­`

Output: `-`

This attempt worked, but it gets different details from those I want:

<Exec Command="git -C &quot;$(ProjectDir).&quot; log -1 --pretty=format:&quot;%%H %%cI&quot;"
	  Condition="'$(GitCommitDate)' == ''">
	<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GitCommitDate" />

Build output interpretation: `git -C "<project directory>\." log -1 --pretty=format:"%%H %%cI"`

Output: `2594b984b59b061dd714ed6a88fbee2907b30a05 2024-02-14T12:33:49-06:00`

So I tried adding quotes to my original attempt:

<Exec Command="git -C &quot;$(ProjectDir).&quot; log -1 --pretty=format:&quot;%%aD&quot;"
	  Condition="'$(GitCommitDate)' == ''">
	<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GitCommitDate" />

Build output interpretation: `git -C "<project directory>\ManagementConsole\." log -1 --pretty=format:"%­"`

Output: `-`

What am I doing wrong?

What details am I missing that would help solve the question?

(I know that `git show` would be easier, but it failed the build with an exit code 128, which I figured would be more difficult to solve without further details.)

The `-` characters in the output and at the end of "build output interpretation" is added manually because I could not copy and paste it from my build output. I do not know why, but I thought that might be a clue.
Top Answer
Lyndon Gingerich
Right, % is "%25" in msbuildish.

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