fsharp add tag

    // some code goes here


    // some code goes here
Since `CodeMirror` has [F# support]( I suppose this is easy to implement.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
Update: related news is that we now have a dedicated F# community where `text/x-fsharp` is the default language. We still plan to eventually add some custom shortcuts like `fsharp` for CodeMirror modes.


F# syntax highlighting is available but currently only using the CodeMirror MIME type rather than a friendly name:


let main argv = 
    printfn "Hello World" ```


let main argv = 
    printfn "Hello World" 

We are considering adding some custom shortcuts like `fsharp` for CodeMirror modes.

This isn't so much on dedicated communities with a default code language, but it does matter here where we might see various different languages in posts.

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