sqlite add tag

Is it possible, to separate the records into portions and return the sum of each portion in SQLITE?
Let's say i have a table

CREATE TABLE myTable (`Start` TIME, `END` TIME, `Cnt`);
INSERT INTO myTable (`Start`, `END`, `Cnt`) VALUES
  ('22:04:02', '22:04:12', 8),
  ('22:04:12', '22:04:22', 22),
  ('22:04:22', '22:04:32', 10),
  ('22:04:32', '22:04:42', 9),
  ('22:04:42', '22:04:52', 92),
  ('22:04:52', '22:05:02', 14),
  ('22:05:02', '22:05:12', 88),
  ('22:05:12', '22:05:22', 24),
  ('22:05:22', '22:05:32', 30);
What i am trying to achive is to get the `SUM`of `Cnt` values, by e.g. 20 seconds, between specific time interval.
SELECT SUM(Cnt) FROM myTable WHERE START >= '22:04:32' AND END <= '22:05:22' 
will return the sum of all records between spcified time, but the desired result would be:
| Time | Sum |
| 22:04:52|101|
| 22:05:12|102|
| 22:05:22|24|


Top Answer
Your fiddle was from 3.27, Since that some date/time function got improved

SELECT time(datetime(Start - Start % 20,'unixepoch')) as time,
       sum(Cnt) as sum
    unixepoch(DATE()||' '||Start) as Start,
    unixepoch(DATE()||' '||END) as END,
  FROM myTAble
GROUP BY time(datetime(Start - Start % 20,'unixepoch'))

|time	|sum|
|22:04:00	|30|
|22:04:20	|19|
|22:04:40	|106|
|22:05:00	|112|
|22:05:20	|30|

see: https://dbfiddle.uk/Fw3I0QZA

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