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My wife has a request for a copy of a database where each table only has 10 rows in it.

I suggested she loop through the tables, something like this:

    declare @table varchar(255),
    @stgtable varchar(255),
    @columns varchar(max),
    @sql nvarchar(max)

    declare c cursor for

    select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables

    open c
    fetch from c into @table

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

    set @sql = 'alter table dbo.' + @table + ' nocheck constraint all'

    print @sql
    --exec sp_executesql @sql

    select @columns = stuff( (
        select ', ' + Column_Name from information_schema.columns
        where Table_Name = @table
        for xml path ('')),1,2,'')

    set @sql = 'use sampledb; select top 10 ' + @columns + ' into ' + @table + ' from 	
    reportDB.dbo.' + @table 

    print @sql
    --exec sp_executesql @sql

    fetch next from c into @table

    close c
    deallocate c

but this seems kind of loopy, if you know what I mean.

**QUESTION** is there a more straightforward way?

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