Check out this query. It's pretty simple (see the end of the post for table and index definitions, and a repro script): SELECT MAX(Revision) FROM dbo.TheOneders WHERE Id = 1 AND 1 = (SELECT 1); > Note: the "AND 1 = (SELECT 1) is just to keep this query from being auto-parameterized, which I felt like was confusing the issue - it actually gets the same plan with or without that clause though And here's the plan ([paste the plan link)][1]: [![plan with a stream agg][2]][2] Since there is a "top 1" there, I was surprised to see the stream aggregate operator. It doesn't seem necessary to me, since there is guaranteed to only be one row. To test that theory, I tried out this logically equivalent query: SELECT MAX(Revision) FROM dbo.TheOneders WHERE Id = 1 GROUP BY Id; Here's the plan for that one ([paste the plan link][4]): [![plan without a stream agg][3]][3] Sure enough, the group by plan is able to get by without the stream aggregate operator. Notice that both queries read "backwards" from the end of the index and do a "top 1" to get the max revision. What am I missing here? **Is the stream aggregate actually doing work in the first query, or should it be able to be eliminated (and it's just a limitation of the optimizer that it's not)?** By the way, I realize this is not an incredibly practical problem (both queries report 0 ms of CPU and elapsed time), I'm just curious about the internals / behavior being exhibited here. --- Here's the setup code I ran before running the two queries above: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.TheOneders; GO CREATE TABLE dbo.TheOneders ( Id INT NOT NULL, Revision SMALLINT NOT NULL, Something NVARCHAR(23), CONSTRAINT PK_TheOneders PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (Id, Revision) ); GO INSERT INTO dbo.TheOneders (Id, Revision, Something) SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1000 1, m.message_id, 'Do...' FROM sys.messages m ORDER BY m.message_id OPTION (MAXDOP 1); INSERT INTO dbo.TheOneders (Id, Revision, Something) SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 2, m.message_id, 'Do that thing you do...' FROM sys.messages m ORDER BY m.message_id OPTION (MAXDOP 1); GO [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
You can see the role of this aggregate if no rows match the `WHERE` clause. SELECT MAX(Revision) FROM dbo.TheOneders WHERE Id = 1 AND 1 = 1 /*To avoid auto parameterisation*/ AND Id%3 = 4 /*always false*/ In that case zero rows go into the aggregate but it still emits one as the correct semantics are to return `NULL` in this case. [![enter image description here][1]][1] This is a scalar aggregate as opposed to a vector one. Your "logically equivalent" query is not equivalent. Adding `GROUP BY Id` would make it a vector aggregate and then the correct behaviour would be to return no rows. See [Fun with Scalar and Vector Aggregates][2] for more about this. [1]: [2]: