sql-server add tag
boot4life (imported from SE)
The normal `JOIN ... ON ...` syntax is well known. But it is also possible to position the `ON` clause separately from the `JOIN` that it corresponds to. This is something that is rarely seen in practice, not found in tutorials and I have not found *any* web resource that even mentions that this is possible.

Here is a script to play around with:

    SELECT *
    INTO #widgets1
    FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3)) x(WidgetID)
    SELECT *
    INTO #widgets2
    FROM (VALUES (1, 'SomeValue1'), (2, 'SomeValue2'), (3, 'SomeValue3')) x(WidgetID, SomeValue)
    SELECT *
    INTO #widgetProperties
        (1, 'a'), (1, 'b'),
        (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'))
    x(WidgetID, PropertyName)
    SELECT w1.WidgetID, w2.SomeValue, wp.PropertyName
    FROM #widgets1 w1
    LEFT JOIN #widgets2 w2 ON w2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
    LEFT JOIN #widgetProperties wp ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID AND wp.PropertyName = 'b'
    ORDER BY w1.WidgetID
    SELECT w1.WidgetID, w2.SomeValue, wp.PropertyName
    FROM #widgets1 w1
    LEFT JOIN #widgets2 w2 --no ON clause here
    JOIN #widgetProperties wp
     ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID AND wp.PropertyName = 'b'
     ON w2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
    ORDER BY w1.WidgetID
    SELECT w1.WidgetID, w2.SomeValue, wp.PropertyName
    FROM #widgets1 w1
        #widgets2 w2 --no SELECT or FROM here
        JOIN #widgetProperties wp
        ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID AND wp.PropertyName = 'b')
    ON w2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
    ORDER BY w1.WidgetID

q1 looks normal. q2 and q3 have these unusual positionings of the `ON` clause.

This script does not necessarily make much sense. It was hard for me to contrive a meaningful scenario.

So what do these unusual syntax patterns mean? How is this defined? I noticed that not all positions and orderings for the two `ON` clauses are allowed. What are the rules governing this?

Also is it ever a good idea to write queries like this?
Top Answer
Martin Smith (imported from SE)
It determines the logical tables involved in the join.

With a simple example

    SELECT w1.WidgetID,
    FROM   #widgets1 w1
           LEFT JOIN #widgets2 w2
             ON w2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
           JOIN #widgetProperties wp
             ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID
                AND wp.PropertyName = 'b'
    ORDER  BY w1.WidgetID 

`#widgets1` is left outer joined to `#widgets2` - the result of that forms a virtual table that is inner joined to `#widgetProperties`. The predicate `w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID` will mean that any null extended rows from the initial outer join are filtered out, effectively making all the joins inner joins.

This differs from q2...

    SELECT w1.WidgetID,
    FROM   #widgets1 w1
           LEFT JOIN #widgets2 w2 --no ON clause here
                     JOIN #widgetProperties wp
                       ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID
                          AND wp.PropertyName = 'b'
             ON w2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
    ORDER  BY w1.WidgetID

`#widgets2` is inner joined onto `#widgetProperties`. The virtual table resulting from that join is then the right hand table in the Left Outer Join on `#widgets1`

The same result can be achieved by using a derived table or Common Table Expression...

    WITH VT2
         AS (SELECT w2.WidgetID,
             FROM   #widgets2 w2 
                    JOIN #widgetProperties wp
                      ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID
                         AND wp.PropertyName = 'b')
    SELECT w1.WidgetID,
    FROM   #widgets1 w1
           LEFT JOIN VT2
             ON VT2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
    ORDER  BY w1.WidgetID 

... Or alternatively you could re-order the virtual tables and use a `RIGHT JOIN` instead.

    SELECT w1.WidgetID,
    FROM   #widgets2 w2
           INNER JOIN #widgetProperties wp
                   ON w2.WidgetID = wp.WidgetID
                      AND wp.PropertyName = 'b'
           RIGHT JOIN #widgets1 w1
                   ON w2.WidgetID = w1.WidgetID
    ORDER  BY w1.WidgetID 

This is [covered by Itzik Ben Gan here][1] 

> ... the JOIN conditions must follow a chiastic relationship to the table
> order. That is, if you specify tables T1, T2, T3, and T4 in that order
> and the JOIN conditions match T1 with T2, T2 with T3, and T3 with T4,
> you must specify the JOIN conditions in the order opposite to the
> table order, like this:

    FROM   T1
           <join_type> T2 T2
                      <join_type> T3 T3
                                 <join_type> T4
                                   ON T4.key = T3.key
                        ON T3.key = T2.key
             ON T2.key = T1.key 

> To look at this join technique in a different way,
> a given JOIN condition can refer only to the table names right above
> it or table names that earlier JOIN conditions already referred to and
> resolved.

but the article has a number of inaccuracies, see the [follow up letter by Lubor Kollar][2] as well.

  [1]: https://www.itprotoday.com/software-development/take-control-joins
  [2]: https://www.itprotoday.com/software-development/letters-february-2004
Answer #2
mustaccio (imported from SE)
If you look at the [`FROM` clause syntax diagram][1] you will see that there is only one place for the `ON` clause:

    <joined_table> ::= 
        <table_source> <join_type> <table_source> ON <search_condition> 

What you find confusing is simple recursion, because `<table_source>` in `<joined_table`> above can be another `<joined_table`>:

    [ FROM { <table_source> } [ ,...n ] ] 
    <table_source> ::= 
        table_or_view_name ... 
        | <joined_table> 

To avoid confusion you should use parentheses in non-obvious cases (like your examples) to visually separate `<table_sources>`; they are not necessary for the query parser but useful for humans.

  [1]: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177634%28v=sql.105%29.aspx

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