I think I have exhausted the limits of my knowledge in SQL server on this one....
For finding a gap in SQL server (what the C# code does), and you don't care about starting or ending gaps (those before the first start, or after the last finish), then the following query (or variants) is the fastest I could find:
SELECT e.FinishedAt as GapStart, s.StartedAt as GapEnd
FROM dbo.Tasks
) AS s
SELECT FinishedAt, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY FinishedAt) + 1 AS rn
FROM dbo.Tasks
) AS e ON e.rn = s.rn and s.StartedAt > e.FinishedAt
Which works though slight of hand that for each start-finish set, you can treat the start and finish as separate sequences, offset the finish by one and gaps are shown.
eg take (S1, F1), (S2, F2), (S3, F3), and order as: {S1, S2, S3, null} and {null, F1, F2, F3}
Then compare row n to row n in each set, and gaps are where the F set value is less than the S set value... the problem I think is that in SQL server there is no way to join or compare two separate sets purely on the order of the values in the set... hence the use of the row_number function to allow us to merge based purely on row number... but there is no way to tell SQL server that these values are unique (without inserting them into a table var with an index on it - which takes longer - I tried it), so I think the merge join is less than optimal? (though hard to prove when it's faster than anything else I could do)
I was able to get solutions using the LAG/LEAD functions:
select * from
SELECT top (100) percent StartedAt, FinishedAt, LEAD(StartedAt, 1, null) OVER (Order by FinishedAt) as NextStart
FROM dbo.Tasks
) as x
where NextStart > FinishedAt
(which by the way, I don't guarantee the results - it seems to work, but I think relies on StartedAt being in order in the Tasks table... and it was slower)
Using sum change:
select * from
SELECT EventTime, Change, SUM(Change) OVER (ORDER BY EventTime, Change desc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as RunTotal --, x.*
SELECT StartedAt AS EventTime, 1 AS Change
FROM dbo.Tasks
SELECT FinishedAt AS EventTime, -1 AS Change
FROM dbo.Tasks
) AS TaskEvents
) as x
where x.RunTotal = 0 or (x.RunTotal = 1 and x.Change = 1)
ORDER BY EventTime, Change DESC
(no surprise, also slower)
I even tried a CLR aggregate function (to replace the sum - it was slower than sum and relied on row_number() to keep the order of the data), and CLR a table valued function (to open two result sets and compare values based purely on sequence)... and it too was slower. I banged my head so many times on SQL, and CLR limitations, trying many other methods...
And for what?
Running on the same machine, and spitting both the C# data, and SQL filtered data into a file (as per original C# code), the times are virtually the same.... approximately 2 seconds for the 1 gap data (C# usually faster), 8-10 seconds for the multi-gap data set (SQL usually faster).
**NOTE**: Do not use the SQL Server Development Environment for timing comparison, as it's display to grid takes time. As tested with SQL 2012, VS2010, .net 4.0 Client profile
I will point out that both solutions perform pretty much the same sorting of data on the SQL server so the server load for fetch-sort will be similar, whichever solution you use, the only difference being the processing on the client (rather than server), and the transfer over the network.
I don't know what the difference might be when partitioning by different staff members perhaps, or when you might need extra data with the gap information (though I can't think of much else other than a staff id), or of course if there is a **slow** data connection between the SQL server and client machine (or a **slow** client)... Nor have I made a comparison of lock-times, or contention issues, or CPU/NETWORK issues for multiple users... So I don't know which one is more likely to be a bottleneck in this case.
What I do know, is yes, SQL server is not good at this sort of set comparisons, and if you don't write the query right you will pay for it dearly.
Is it easier or harder than writing the C# version? I'm not entirely sure, the Change +/-1, running total solution is not entirely intuitive either, and I but it's not the first solution an average graduate would come to... once done it is easy enough to copy, but it takes insight to write in the first place... same can be said for the SQL version.
Which is harder? Which is more robust to rogue data? Which has more potential for parallel operations? Does it really matter when the difference is so small compared to the programming effort?
One last note; there is an unstated constraint on the data - the StartedAt **must** be less than the FinishedAt, or you will get bad results.