I was wondering what the difference between the following two methods is: GETUTCDATE()-2 and DATEADD(d,-2,GETUTCDATE()) I guess using `DATEADD` is the correct way, but was wondering why?
There's no real difference there, but when you start using `DATETIME2` values, or functions that return `DATETIME2` values, you'll get errors. SELECT SYSDATETIME() - 1 AS [Incompatible] > Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 17 Operand type clash: datetime2 is > incompatible with int For these, you have to use date math functions. SELECT DATEADD(DAY, -1, SYSDATETIME()) AS [Compatible] Aaron Bertrand speaks about this issue briefly in his [Bad Habits to Kick][1] series. [1]: https://sqlblog.org/2011/09/20/bad-habits-to-kick-using-shorthand-with-date-time-operations