sql-server add tag
sara92 (imported from SE)
I have a table with two columns, I want to count the distinct values on Col_B over (conditioned by) Col_A.

### MyTable

| Col_A | Col_B |
A  	  | 1
A	  | 1
A	  | 2
A	  | 2
A	  | 2
A	  | 3
b	  | 4
b	  | 4
b	  | 5

### Expected Result

| Col_A | Col_B | Result |
A	    | 1	    | 3
A	    | 1	    | 3
A	    | 2	    | 3
A	    | 2	    | 3
A	    | 2	    | 3
A	    | 3	    | 3
b	    | 4	    | 2
b	    | 4	    | 2
b	    | 5	    | 2

I tried the following code

select *, 
count (distinct col_B) over (partition by col_A) as 'Result'
from MyTable

`count (distinct col_B)` is not working.
How can I rewrite the count function to count distinct values?
Top Answer
meme (imported from SE)
This is how I'd do it:

    SELECT      *
    FROM        #MyTable AS mt
                    FROM   #MyTable AS mt2
                    WHERE  mt2.Col_A = mt.Col_A
                    -- GROUP BY mt2.Col_A 
                ) AS ca;

The `GROUP BY` clause is redundant given the data provided in the question, but may give you a better execution plan. See the follow-up Q & A [CROSS APPLY produces outer join](https://topanswers.xyz/databases?q=256).

Consider voting for [OVER clause enhancement request - DISTINCT clause for aggregate functions][1] on the feedback site if you would like that feature added to SQL Server.

  [1]: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/908035-sql-server/suggestions/32890510-over-clause-enhancement-request-distinct-clause

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