I'm struggling to understand where a row estimate is coming from in an execution plan.
[Paste the plan link][1]
@BatchKey INT = 1, @ParentBatchKey INT = 1,
@QuoteRef varchar(50) = 'Q00018249',
@MpanRef varchar(50) = '1425431100004'
ISNULL(c.ContractReference,-1) AS [ContractReference] ,
ISNULL(d_cd.ContractDetailsKey,-1) AS [ContractDetailsKey] ,
-1 AccountManagerKey,
-1 SegmentationKey,
ISNULL(d_tpi.TpiKey,-1) AS [TpiKey] ,
ISNULL(d_cu.CustomerKey,-1) AS [CustomerKey] ,
ISNULL(d_p.ProductKey,-1) AS [ProductKey] ,
-1 as PayPointKey,
-1 AS [GspBandingKey], --Not used in Junifer ESOB
ISNULL(d_pps.[ProductPricingStructureKey],-1) AS [ProductPricingStructureKey],
ISNULL(d_tou.TouBandingKey,-1) AS [PricingStructureBandingKey],
-1 AS [VolumePointCategoryKey],
ISNULL(d_ppc.PowerPeriodCategoryKey,-1) AS [PowerPeriodCategoryKey],
ISNULL(d_pcat.[PriceComponentAggregationTypeKey],-1) AS [PriceComponentAggregationTypeKey],
-1 AS [MarginRateBandingKey], --Not used in Junifer ESOB
-1 AS [DuosUrcBandingKey], --Not used in Junifer ESOB
-1 AS [ConsumptionToleranceKey],
ISNULL(d_mp.MeterPointKey,-1) AS [MeterPointKey] ,
ISNULL(d.DateKey,-1) AS [ForecastDateKey] ,
-1 AS [ForecastEFADateKey],
ISNULL(d_cw.DateKey,-1) AS [ContractWonDateKey] ,
ISNULL(f.SiteVolumeKwh,0) AS [SiteVolume] ,
ISNULL(f.GspVolumeKwh,0) AS [GspVolume] ,
ISNULL(f.NbpVolumeKwh,0) AS [NbpVolume],
CAST(f.ForecastKey as NVARCHAR(100)) AS [SourceId]
[Electricity].[Forecast] f
INNER JOIN Electricity.ContractMeterPoint cmp ON cmp.MeterPointKey = f.MeterPointKey and cmp.ContractKey = f.ContractKey
INNER JOIN Electricity.Contract c on c.ContractKey = cmp.ContractKey
INNER JOIN Electricity.MeterPoint mp ON mp.MeterPointKey = cmp.MeterPointKey
--INNER JOIN Electricity.ContractMeterPoint cmp ON cmp.MeterPointKey = mp.MeterPointKey and cmp.ContractKey = c.ContractKey
INNER JOIN Electricity.ProductBundle pb ON c.ProductBundleKey = pb.ProductBundleKey
LEFT JOIN Electricity.Quote q ON c.QuoteKey = q.QuoteKey
LEFT JOIN Gdf.Tender t ON q.TenderKey = t.TenderKey
LEFT JOIN Gdf.Customer cu ON q.CustomerKey = cu.CustomerKey
LEFT JOIN Electricity.ProductBundleAggregationType pbat ON pbat.ProductName = pb.BundleName
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.Product d_p ON d_p.ProductDurableKey = pb.ProductBundleKey
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.Dimension.Tpi d_tpi ON d_tpi.TpiDurableKey = c.TpiKey
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.ProductPricingStructure d_pps ON d_pps.ProductPricingStructureDurableKey = f.PriceStructureKey
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.TouBanding d_tou ON d_tou.TouBandingDurableKey = f.PriceRateKey
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.MeterPoint d_mp ON d_mp.MeterPointDurableKey = cmp.MeterPointKey
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.PriceComponentAggregationType d_pcat ON d_pcat.[TnuosAggregationType] =pbat.[TNUoSAggType] AND d_pcat.[DuosAggregationType] =pbat.[DUoSFixedAvailAggType] AND d_pcat.[DuosUrcAggregationType] =pbat.[DUoSURCAggType] AND d_pcat.[BsuosAggregationType] =pbat.[BSUoSAggType] AND d_pcat.[ROAggregationType] =pbat.[ROAggType]
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.Dimension.Date AS d ON d.DateKey = CAST(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(8), f.DeliveryDate, 112) AS INT)
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.Dimension.Date AS d_cw ON d_cw.DateKey = CAST(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(8), c.QuoteWonDate, 112) AS INT)
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.PowerPeriodCategory d_ppc ON d_ppc.HhPeriod = f.Period
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.Dimension.Customer d_cu ON d_cu.CustomerDurableKey = cu.CustomerKey
LEFT JOIN Dimensional_DW.DimensionElectricity.ContractDetails d_cd ON d_cd.ContractDetailsDurableKey = c.ContractKey
and c.ContractReference = @QuoteRef
and c.QuoteWonDate IS NOT NULL
and c.QuoteKey <> -1
--(SELECT distinct C.ContractKey FROM Electricity.Contract WHERE ContractReference = @QuoteRef and c.QuoteWonDate IS NOT NULL and c.QuoteKey <> -1)
--(SELECT distinct C1.ContractKey FROM Electricity.Contract c1 WHERE c1.ContractReference = @QuoteRef and c1.QuoteWonDate IS NOT NULL and c1.QuoteKey <> -1)
and mp.MpanID = @MpanRef
--and c.ContractKey = 18235
--and d.DateKey = 20180522
order by [ForecastDateKey]
My problem is around nodeId 26, the scalar operator:
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
I'm unsure as to how the row estimate of 5 is being generated - this seems to then cascade down the plan to most other operators - the nested loop operators estimated execution counts further down the plan seem to all indicate ~5 estimated, then ~35k actual.
Why would the scalar operator be fed an estimate of ~14000 rows, then estimate an output of 5? Is this a problem or a red herring? Is it anything to do with the conversions it is performing? I can understand that affecting a join, but why would it affect the output of the conversion?
[1]: https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=HkWoHrY8Q "Paste the plan link"
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/zN1vX.png