For the [*AdventureWorks*][1] sample database query below: SELECT P.ProductID, CA.TransactionID FROM Production.Product AS P CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP (1) TH.TransactionID FROM Production.TransactionHistory AS TH WHERE TH.ProductID = P.ProductID ORDER BY TH.TransactionID DESC ) AS CA; The execution plan shows an *Estimated Operator Cost* of **0.0850383** (93%) for the *Index Seek*: [![plan][2]][2] The cost is independent of the cardinality estimation model in use. It is not a simple addition of the *Estimated CPU Cost* and *Estimated I/O Cost*. Neither is it the cost for one execution of the *Index Seek* multiplied by the *Estimated Number of Executions*. How is this cost number arrived at? [1]: [2]:
The full cost derivation logic is complex, but for the relatively simple case in the question: ### Inputs 1. The number of times the operator is executed This is the *Estimated Number of Executions*: **504** 0. The cardinality (total number of rows) in the index The *TableCardinality* property of the *Index Seek* operator gives this: **113,443** 0. The number of data pages in the index: **201** This number can be obtained multiple ways, for example from `sys.allocation_units`: SELECT AU.data_pages FROM sys.allocation_units AS AU JOIN sys.partitions AS P ON P.hobt_id = AU.container_id WHERE AU.[type_desc] = N'IN_ROW_DATA' AND P.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'Production.TransactionHistory', N'U') AND P.index_id = INDEXPROPERTY(P.[object_id], N'IX_TransactionHistory_ProductID', 'IndexID'); 0. The density (1 / *distinct values*) of the index: **0.002267574** This is available in the density vector of the index statistics: DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ( N'Production.TransactionHistory', N'IX_TransactionHistory_ProductID' ) WITH DENSITY_VECTOR; [![density][1]][1] ### Computation -- Input numbers DECLARE @Executions float = 504, @Density float = 0.002267574, @IndexDataPages float = 201, @Cardinality float = 113443; -- SQL Server cost model constants DECLARE @SeqIO float = 0.000740740740741, @RandomIO float = 0.003125, @CPUbase float = 0.000157, @CPUrow float = 0.0000011; -- Computation DECLARE @IndexPages float = CEILING(@IndexDataPages * @Density), @Rows float = @Cardinality * @Density, @Rebinds float = @Executions - 1e0; DECLARE @CPU float = @CPUbase + (@Rows * @CPUrow), @IO float = @RandomIO + (@SeqIO * (@IndexPages - 1e0)), -- sample with replacement @PSWR float = @IndexDataPages * (1e0 - POWER(1e0 - (1e0 / @IndexDataPages), @Rebinds)); -- Cost components (no rewinds) DECLARE @InitialCost float = @RandomIO + @CPUbase + @CPUrow, @RebindCPU float = @Rebinds * (1e0 * @CPUbase + @CPUrow), @RebindIO float = (1e0 / @Rows) * ((@PSWR - 1e0) * @IO); -- Result SELECT OpCost = @InitialCost + @RebindCPU + @RebindIO; [*db<>fiddle*][3] [![Result][2]][2] [1]: [2]: [3]: