I store XML message I receive from an external system in a table in Postgres. The XML contains a well-known header and a "payload" section that defines its own namespace.
So the messages could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Data xmlns="">
<Order xmlns="">
But it could also look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Data xmlns="">
<Cancellation xmlns="">
There will always be a `Value` tag in the payload (or at least in all cases I am interested in). But due to the namespace attached to the first element of the payload, a simple `//Value` doesn't work.
A brute force method is to define multiple columns in the `xmltable()` call, then use `coalesce()` to pick the non-null value.
Something like:
select coalesce(x.c_amount, x.o_amount) as amount
from the_table
cross join xmltable(xmlnamespaces ('' as e,
'' as o,
'' as c),
'/e:Data' passing content
columns did text path './e:Header/e:Id',
c_amount int path './/c:Value',
o_amount int path './/o:Value') as x
But that is quite cumbersome and forces me to add one (useless) column for each namespace.
In theory XPath 2.0 supports `/*:Value` - but unfortunately Postgres only supports XPath 1.0
I also found references that it should be possible to use `local-name()`, but
amount int path './/[local-name() = "Value"]'
results in "invalid XPath expression"
same for `.//[name() = "Value"]`
Any ideas how I could extract the common tags without creating one column for each known namespace? Or maybe a way to make Postgres ignore the namespaces completely, then I could use e.g. `./Payload//Value`.
Here is a [fiddle]( with some sample data.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
`[local-name() = "Value"]` works for me:
select xpath('//*[local-name() = "Id"]/text()', content) did
, xpath('//*[local-name() = "Value"]/text()', content) amount
from the_table;
| did | amount |
| :---|:------|
| {100} | {100} |
| {200} | {100} |