John K N
### Question 

Is it possible to query a normalised table twice in a statement without using an alias?

### Test Data

Taken from [this db<>fiddle](

>     create table servers 
>     (
>     srv_id int identity(1,1), 
>     srv_name nvarchar(20),
>     srv_state_id int
>     )
>     ;
>     GO

>     insert into servers 
>     (
>     srv_name, srv_state_id
>     )
>     values
>     ('server1', 1),
>     ('server2', 2)
>     ;
>     GO

>     create table instances
>     (
>     ins_id int identity (1,1),
>     ins_name nvarchar(20),
>     srv_id int,
>     ins_state_id int
>     )
>     ;
>     GO

>     insert into instances 
>     (ins_name, srv_id, ins_state_id)
>     values
>     ('general', 1, 1),
>     ('newinstance', 2, 2),
>     ('special', 1, 2 ),
>     ('trouble', 2, 1)
>     ;
>     GO

>     create table databases
>     (
>     dbs_id int identity(1,1),
>     dbs_name nvarchar(20),
>     dbs_ins_id int,
>     dbs_state_id int
>     )
>     ;
>     GO

>     insert into databases 
>     (dbs_name, dbs_ins_id, dbs_state_id)
>     values
>     ('master', 1, 1),
>     ('master', 2, 2),
>     ('master', 3, 3),
>     ('master', 4, 1),
>     ('msdb', 1, 1)
>     ;
>     GO

>     create table states 
>     (
>     state_id int,
>     state_name  nvarchar(20),
>     state_state_id int
>     )
>     ;
>     GO

>     insert into states
>     (state_id, state_name, state_state_id)
>     values
>     (1,'Prod', 1),
>     (2, 'Test', 1),
>     (3, 'Dev', 1),
>     (4, 'Res', 2)
>     ;
>     GO

>     select * from servers;
>     GO

> srv_id | srv_name | srv_state_id
> -----: | :------- | -----------:
>      1 | server1  |            1
>      2 | server2  |            2

>     select * from instances;
>     GO

> ins_id | ins_name    | srv_id | ins_state_id
> -----: | :---------- | -----: | -----------:
>      1 | general     |      1 |            1
>      2 | newinstance |      2 |            2
>      3 | special     |      1 |            2
>      4 | trouble     |      2 |            1

>     select * from databases;
>     GO
> dbs_id | dbs_name | dbs_ins_id | dbs_state_id
> -----: | :------- | ---------: | -----------:
>      1 | master   |          1 |            1
>      2 | master   |          2 |            2
>      3 | master   |          3 |            3
>      4 | master   |          4 |            1
>      5 | msdb     |          1 |            1

>     select * from states;
>     GO
> state_id | state_name | state_state_id
> -------: | :--------- | -------------:
>        1 | Prod       |              1
>        2 | Test       |              1
>        3 | Dev        |              1
>        4 | Res        |              2

### Standard Query To Determine States of Server, Instances, Databases

A standard query to determine the states of my servers, instances and databases would look something like this:

>     select 
>     srv_name, 
>     srvsta.state_name, 
>     ins_name, 
>     inssta.state_name, 
>     dbs_name, 
>     dbssta.state_name 
>     from servers as srv
>     join states as srvsta
>     on srv.srv_state_id = srvsta.state_id
>     join instances as ins
>     on ins.srv_id = srv.srv_id
>     join states as inssta
>     on ins.ins_state_id = inssta.state_id
>     join databases as dbs
>     on dbs.dbs_ins_id = ins.ins_id
>     join states as dbssta
>     on dbs.dbs_state_id = dbssta.state_id
>     ;
>     GO

> srv_name | state_name | ins_name    | state_name | dbs_name | state_name
> :------- | :--------- | :---------- | :--------- | :------- | :---------
> server1  | Prod       | general     | Prod       | master   | Prod      
> server2  | Test       | newinstance | Test       | master   | Test      
> server1  | Prod       | special     | Test       | master   | Dev       
> server2  | Test       | trouble     | Prod       | master   | Prod      
> server1  | Prod       | general     | Prod       | msdb     | Prod      

*db<>fiddle [here](*

### Question 

Is it possible to query a normalised table twice or three times in a single statement without using an alias?

Top Answer
Paul White
Not using an alias is a strange requirement, but *technically* yes.

It is pretty pointless since the joins are inevitable, but that's the question asked so:

The following modifications to your fiddle show three ways:

1. Using subqueries (where using an alias would still be best practice)
2. A variety of pivot
3. A scalar-valued function (generally inadvisable unless inline):


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