mysql add tag
I'm following a book which states that if we wanted to show a table for the films where Cate MacQueen and Cuba Birch both appeared, I should run the following command:

select f.release_year, f.title, concat(a1.first_name," ", a1.last_name)
from film f
	inner join film_actor fa1
	on f.film_id=fa1.film_id
	inner join actor a1
    on fa1.actor_id=a1.actor_id
    inner join film_actor fa2
	on f.film_id=fa2.film_id
    inner join actor a2
    on fa2.actor_id=a2.actor_id
where ((a1.first_name="CATE" and a1.last_name="mcqueen") 
	and (a2.first_name="cuba" and a2.last_name="BiRcH"));

My question is why the need for the second inner join  film_actor fa2 ? Why can't we just do

select f.release_year, f.title, concat(a1.first_name," ", a1.last_name)
from film f

	inner join film_actor fa1
	on f.film_id=fa1.film_id
	inner join actor a1
    on fa1.actor_id=a1.actor_id
    inner join actor a2
    on fa1.actor_id=a2.actor_id
where ((a1.first_name="CATE" and a1.last_name="mcqueen") 
	and (a2.first_name="cuba" and a2.last_name="BiRcH"));

Edit: I tried my way, but it just returned an empty set, instead a 2-row table like in the book.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
The second `film_actor` join is required because in each case it is being restricted to a single actor. The query is to get films where two actors appear together.

It's perhaps slightly clearer what's happening in this transformation of your query:


Logically you can do the same thing without joining `film_actor` twice:


But don't assume this will be faster, RDBMS's were born to `join`.

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