I have an uncertain : there is a table with 2 fields (partition and dataAreaID) which have the same value for all records.
And for one field (partition field), is in place a check constraint(`CHECK (partition =1)`).
There is an non clustered index on 3 fields: `partition, dataAreaID, city`. (`Partition` and `dataAreaID` are added automatically, thanks to dynamic AX)
Also , there is a check constraint on `partition` field.
And the query is searching for a particular value in `city` field.
The next query, with added `and 1=(select 1)` to enter in optimization phase, to simulate a complex query, is scanning the non clustered index and also is generating a missing index.
select partition,dataAreaID,city
from dbo.x_yes as y
partition = 1
and dataAreaID = 1
and city ='london'
and 1=(select 1)
the query with out `and 1=(select 1)` is generating a trivial plan and (I believe) an optimal plan: seek on the existing non clustered index
select partition,dataAreaID,city
from dbo.x_yes as y
partition = 1
and dataAreaID = 1
and city ='london'
**What happens here**? What is "breaking" the efficient use of that index resulting in a scan instead of a seek ? Is that check constraint that is taken into account or parametrization is contributing to it ?
With out check constraint, both queries, are seeking on the nonclustered index.
With check constraint on partition field, only the second query is seeking on the nonclustered index, trivial plan and simple parametrization on.
Also adding option (recompile) will return to scan(still trivial plan)
The plan with `and 1=(select 1)`
The plan with `out and 1=(select 1)`
The plan with `out and 1=(select 1)` and `option(recompile)`
**SQL Server 2019**, and dbfiddle
<> https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2019&fiddle=72a5f4f7b96df4089fde1d2892cb2ead
The scripts:
create table dbo.x_yes
id int identity(1,1) not null primary key ,
partition tinyint not null,
dataAreaID tinyint not null,
city varchar(50) not null,
colInt int null,
colChar char(7000) null,
constraint cc_xYes_partition CHECK (partition =1)
/*The check constraint is trusted*/
select is_not_trusted, name
from sys.check_constraints
where name like 'cc_xYes%'
is_not_trusted name
0 cc_xYes_partition
/*There is an index on partition, dataAreaID, city*/
create index i_yes on x_yes (partition, dataareaID, city);
insert into x_yes(partition, dataAreaID, city, colInt, colChar)
select s.partition, s.dataAreaID, s.city, s.colInt, s.colChar
(select 1 as partition,1 as dataAreaID,'berlin' as city,1 as colInt,'no' as colChar UNION ALL
select 1,1,'praga',1,'no' ) as s
cross join
(select 1 as idx union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5) as a
cross join
(select 1 as idx union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5) as b
cross join
(select 1 as idx union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5) as c
cross join
(select 1 as idx union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5) as d
cross join
(select 1 as idx union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5) as e
cross join
(select 1 as idx union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5) as f
insert into x_yes(partition, dataAreaID, city, colInt, colChar)
values (1,1,'london',1,'no')