Meta Poll
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Once a while I feel that I want to tick the star on a question, but this is not allowed currently for non-Meta questions. Are we going to give stars for questions? I wish that I would be able to do it, because of I think that valuable content, whatever it is, deserves stars.

Basically it is "Yes" or "No", where "No" is just no, but "Yes" (if we ever go this way) can be different I think. In the SE sites we have that "Yes", but recent changes in the reputation system made it imbalanced (in my opinion). We want to be better here probably.

I would proposed the following vote options for a start:

* No, answer is the best reward for question.
* Yes, one star at most.
* Yes, as much stars as user is allowed to give.

I suggest to discuss these (and possibly other) options in the comments, and put them to voting then.
Top Answer
No, an answer is the best reward for a question.
Answer #2
Yes, but stars awarded are deducted from your own stars (like a mini-bounty)
Answer #3
Yes, but stars are only allowed from people who can multi-star (they can still award any number of stars).
Answer #4
Yes, as much stars as user is allowed to give.
Answer #5
Yes, one star at most.

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