syntax add tag
This compiles and runs:

static void Main()

Why isn't this a compiler error?
Top Answer
This compiles because the `http:` part parses as a line label, and the `//...` part parses as a comment.

You can check the parse tree and confirm this at [RoslynGenerator](

    identifier: SyntaxFactory.Identifier(
        leading: SyntaxFactory.TriviaList(SyntaxFactory.Whitespace("    ")),
        text: "https",
        trailing: default),
    colonToken: SyntaxFactory.Token(
        leading: default,
        kind: SyntaxKind.ColonToken,
        trailing: SyntaxFactory.TriviaList(
    statement: SyntaxFactory.ExpressionStatement(
        expression: SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName(
            identifier: SyntaxFactory.Identifier(
                leading: default,
                text: "",
                trailing: default)),
        semicolonToken: SyntaxFactory.Token(
            leading: default,
            kind: SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken,
            text: "",
            valueText: "",
            trailing: default)))

The comment is part of the trailing trivia list on the colon token. If we had a statement, such as `Console.WriteLine("Something...");` after the `:` token, that would be included in the `statement` node in the tree.

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