add tag
I am trying to use npgsql with .net core and I get this error. 
If this is not enough information, I can add more of the code here. 

the complete repo is at 

Thank you! 

> 42804: column "winnings" is of type numeric but expression is of type text

This is my create table

create table lookup_country
  id integer primary key generated always as identity,
  external_id varchar(255) default gen_random_uuid() unique not null,
  full_name varchar(255) unique not null,
  abbreviation varchar(10) unique not null

create table person
  id integer primary key generated always as identity,
  external_id varchar(255) default gen_random_uuid() unique not null,
  full_name varchar(255) not null,
  winnings decimal(19,4) not null default 0,
  country varchar(255) not null references lookup_country (external_id)
and this is my C# code 
public static async void AddPerson(string connectionString, string fullName, decimal winnings, string countryAbbreviation)
    await using var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString: connectionString);
    await conn.OpenAsync();
        await using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(@"
        insert into person(full_name, winnings, country)
        select person_name, winnings, external_id
            ('@fullName', '@winnings')
        ) as person (person_name, winnings)
        cross join (select external_id from lookup_country where abbreviation = '@abbreviation') c;", conn))
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("full_name", fullName);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("winnings", winnings);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("abbreviation", countryAbbreviation);
            await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
    } catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine(e.Message, e);
I am missing something (I think pretty small) but I don't know what... any ideas? 
Top Answer
There are couple things:

1. You have to pass all necessary parameters in a insert query. Since the method takes `countryAbbreviation` and not its id the additional subquery is required:

var sql = @"
    insert into person(full_name, winnings, country)
    values(@fullName, @winnings, 
           (select external_id from lookup_country 
            where abbreviation = @abbreviation))";

await using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn))
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("fullName", fullName);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("winnings", winnings);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("abbreviation", countryAbbreviation);
    await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

2. The `Get` method currently doesn't work properly since there is a typo in the constructor:

public Person(int id, Guid externalId, string fullName, decimal winnings, LookupCountry country) 
    Id = id;
    ExternalId = externalId;
    FullName = fullName;
    Winnings = Winnings;
    Country = country;


It should be

Winnings = winnings;

Enter question or answer id or url (and optionally further answer ids/urls from the same question) from

Separate each id/url with a space. No need to list your own answers; they will be imported automatically.