good question - we don't really have a home for it I'm afraid!
Hi. I posted a Vulkan question on SO yesterday. That's completely unrelated to you, but I suddenly came to think of Codidact, and that I made an account long ago. Now I wonder, if I was to ask that question here, on which subsite would I post it? My Vulkan question is not constrained to a particular language, so where would it go?
@GreenDragon that's definitely a good article. I work at EA and someone linked it there earlier and I really enjoyed the read.
[Don’t blindly prefer emplace_back to push_back](
I have a question, but of course only one question might not be sufficient for a community :)
No I think we need a C community for that — and I think we should have one if there is any prospect of getting questions
[A Concurrency Cost Hierarchy]( - excellent article
::: tio Hcq9CoAgEADg/Z7isqWGoFmluTdollNC8A87p@jZLfrmj0pZTqLeR58oNOtQ@3xxdSZuAD4xRuPTNOMN@LnYSkm5MWqNYnchZDxyDXYQ6g/VcasJVwVP7y8 §§§ text/x-c++src cpp-gcc #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; } §§§ ``` none Hello World! ``` :::
I guess it is `boost`, `multithreading`, `ranges`, `qt` , `network-programming or just networking` ... so it should be or specific widespread library or specific area maybe `stl`/ `C++20` / `templates`. I'm also not fun about `string` or `arrays` tags. Maybe special tag `homework`.
true, but if there are tags you are sure we will need later, please mention them and we'll add them in advance
have you thought about what tags will be for in this community? SE goes a bit mad with tagging, and I think it's best to add only 'useful' tags, i.e. things that people will likely want to filter a search on
::: quote 1 44044 1027 219,219,219 131,133,133 GreenDragon *— 8 hours ago* *in [The Tavern](/meta?room=1#c44044)* >Default control for tag is too narrow -  :::
Well after a bit re-thinking, really this can be adopted to wide question about specific concept itself, so it will be valid. "Message passing between threads" (as common question) and "How Golang-channels can be implemented in C++" (and in the answers will be good to provide link for some OS libraries for illustration). But ... sometimes it's not always obvious and initial version of Q may be like "Channels in C++ how?" or something like that.
Yup, I am not talking about stuff like GUI (there are enough awesome lists on Github), only about rarely cases that could be interesting people with experience in other programming languages.
generally we want questions that lend themselves to one or two good answers, just like on SE — "what library that implements this concept" is generally unlikely to be that kind of question in general, but it may depend on the particular concept…
Are questions about libraries appropriate here? For example some time ago I was re-writing some application from Go where used channels. Therefore I wanted to find a library that implement this very useful concept. Quick search on Github gave me some options but other hosting service like Gitlab or less popular (like sourcehut that in alpha stage now) haven't good search mechanism (maybe yet but still). And of course some comments about use cases would be useful as well.
Definitely - big stuff like concepts, coroutines, modules, ... and many many small things.
The exciting thing is that C++20 is bringing changes to a lot of the common answers. Rather than blindly importing we're really able to improve in a lot of cases.
We are also free to import selected content from SO if you think that would be good to do in parallel
I believe that would be helpful. I'd be happy to assist in answering them where I'm able.
I'm not enough of a C++ user to write Q/A posts, but I've had enough exposure to do a set of Q's, I think.
For example, I could ask how to write a safe copy constructor, or how to correctly open, read/write, and close a file.
Would it be appropriate to ask "basic" questions that I could find the answers to elsewhere on the web?
I thought it required attribution — not sure which Wikipedia page I got that impression from now…
Any reason not to use [the official C++ logo]( for this chat room (and the site)?
I saw that one, that's why I got here. As an aside, the notification for this message was missing the link to the room when I got it. Not sure how to reproduce, when I changed the room (there was another notification) this one got the link.
::: quote 218 19302 ba1d6fd8881a87067fe28d71a5ddc594f0146228d32fe77a6399565d3b928bd8 219,219,219 131,133,133 Jack Douglas *— an hour ago* *in [I'd like a new community on TopAnswers. How do I go about making that happen?](/meta?room=218#c19302)* >OK @Jonathan, let's give it a go: — thanks for the vote of confidence and for your enthusiasm — we'll continue to try and encourage others to participate, but if there is reasonably regular activity in there I think it's likely that we'll gradually get people joining. Perhaps even a few from reddit :) :::