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Jonathan Mee
Containers have methods which provide range access. Why does modern C++ provide redundant [non-member functions for range access]( to the same containers?

C++11 provided:

* [`std::begin`](
* [`std::end`](

C++14 provided:

* [`std::cbegin`](
* [`std::cend`](
* [`std::crbegin`](
* [`std::crend`](
* [`std::rbegin`](
* [`std::rend`](

C++17 provided:

* [`std::data`](
* [`std::empty`](
* [`std::size`](

C++20 provided:

* [`std::ssize`](
Top Answer
Jonathan Mee
The [stated motivation]( for the inclusion of these functions in the standard was to:

> Provide benefits in regards to safety, efficiency, and generality

Herb Sutter elaborates on this in the "Nonmember begin and end" section of his [Elements of Modern C++ Style](

> Always use nonmember `begin(x)` and `end(x)` (not `x.begin()` and `x.end()`), because `begin(x)` and `end(x)` are extensible and can be adapted to work with all container types – even arrays – not just containers that follow the STL style of providing `x.begin()` and `x.end()` member functions

Today beyond containers and arrays these range access functions also apply to `std::initializer_lists`s and ranges. In addition Herb Sutter points out that even non-STL containers types, which do not provide `begin` and `end` methods, can be retrofitted with non-member `std::begin` and `std::end` functions so, "You can traverse collections of that type using the same coding style above as for STL containers."


Ultimately, the purpose of non-member functions for range access is to generalizes the code such that no change is necessary were the accessed container to be changed from a `std::vector` to an array or even a range.

With both [C++20's constraints and concepts]( and non-member functions for range access, the advent of [container based algorithms]( may be upon us!

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