add tag
Consider the following minimal working example (`test.cpp`) which demonstrates my question:
#include <iostream>

int myvar;
int myfun(int b);

int myfun(int b){
    return b*7;

int main(){
    myvar = 8;
    std::cout << myfun(3) << std::endl;
I then apply ctags as follows:
$ ctags -R
$ cat tag
main    test.cpp    /^int main(){$/;"   f   typeref:typename:int
myfun   test.cpp    /^int myfun(int b){$/;" f   typeref:typename:int
myvar   test.cpp    /^int myvar;$/;"    v   typeref:typename:int
The results show that the declaration of `myvar` gets tagged, but the declaration of `myfun` does not (although the definition does).

Based on some related questions I came across on the internet, I’ve tried using ctags with the following options which did not make a difference in this case: `--language-force=C++`, `--c++-kinds=+pf`, `--extras=+q`, and `--fields=+imaSft`.

**Is there any way to tag the declaration of myvar? If not, is there another tool (e.g., cscope, YouCompleteMe for Vim) that will?**
Top Answer
This can be done with YouCompleteMe. Here are the steps for the example described in the question (based off of the [YouCompleteMe Documentation](

1) install YouCompleteMe with the `--clangd-completer` or `--all` flag (note: YouCompleteMe will try to use it's own clangd executable, if you want to use a different clangd executable such as a system-wide one, then you can set the `g:ycm_clangd_binary_path` variable in your .vimrc)

2) generate a `compile_commands.json` file, which can be done by building the cpp file with CMake as follows:

    a) create this basic CMakeLists.txt file:
    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.5)
    add_executable(test test.cpp)

    b) make a build directory:
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build

    c) do either of the following:

    - use the flag `-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON` in the cmake command in the next step

    - add this line after the `project(Test)` line in the CMakeLists.txt file: `set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON)`

    d) run the CMake configure command:
    $ cmake ..

3) copy or symlink the generated `compile_commands.json` file to the root or the project (i.e., to the directory with the cpp and CMakeLists.txt files)

4) now, if you put the cursor over over `myfun` and enter the Vim command `:YcmCompleter GoToDeclaration`, you should be taken to the declaration of `myfun`

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