[![Video: Array-Oriented Programming in JavaScript & Python](/image?hash=41f3b25aabd070b40c7745ef5d2e59a497cc49ee52a07df6019886be08b715df)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXz_g26gKJI "Array-Oriented Programming in JavaScript & Python")

This week I solved the [Perl Weekly Challenge](https://perlweeklychallenge.org/blog/perl-weekly-challenge-088/) problems in APL, and then tried to translate those solutions into JavaScript and Python while maintaining an array-oriented, functional style.

The APL solutions are:
ArrayOfProduct←{×/⍵⌷⍤1 99⍨↑(⊢~⍥,⍤99 0⊢)⍳⍴⍵}
SpiralMatrix←{0∊⍴⍵:⍬ ⋄ (1⌷⍵),∇⍉⌽1↓⍵}

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