add tag
I have this LaTeX:



\def\mylistE{{"$\infty/$null", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
\def\mylistD{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E","3/E", "3/E","3/E", "3/E","3/E", "3/E", "3/E"}}
\def\mylistB{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "6/E", "6/E", "6/E", "6/E", "5/F", "5/F", "5/F","2/D", "2/D","2/D", "2/D","2/D","2/D"}}
\def\mylistF{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E","2/E","2/E", "2/E","2/E", "2/E","2/E","2/E"}}
\def\mylistC{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "4/E",  "4/E","4/E", "4/E", "4/E", "4/E", "4/E","4/E", "3/B","3/B", "3/B", "3/B"}}
\def\mylistA{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null",  "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "3/D", "3/D", "3/D", "1/B", "1/B", "1/B", "1/B"}}


\frametitle{Prim's Algorithm Demonstration}
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={fill=black, text=white, circle,thick,draw, minimum size=1.2cm}]
    \node[label={[xshift=0em, yshift=-1em, text=black]  \pgfmathparse{\mylistA[\slideinframe-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<15->{red}{black},text=white]  (A) at (0,5) {A};
    \node[label={[xshift=0em, yshift=-1em, text=black] \pgfmathparse{\mylistB[\slideinframe-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<12->{red}{black},text=white]  (B) at (5,5) {B};
    \node[label={[xshift=0em, yshift=-1em, text=black] \pgfmathparse{\mylistC[\slideinframe-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<16->{red}{black},text=white]  (C) at (10,5) {C};
    \node[label={[xshift=0em, yshift=-6em, text=black] \pgfmathparse{\mylistD[\slideinframe-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<9->{red}{black},text=white]  (D) at (0,0) {D};
    \node[label={[xshift=0em, yshift=-6em, text=black] \pgfmathparse{\mylistE[\slideinframe-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<2->{red}{black},text=white]  (E) at (5,0) {E};
    \node[label={[xshift=0em, yshift=-6em, text=black]  \pgfmathparse{\mylistF[\slideinframe-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<7->{red}{black},text=white]  (F) at (10,0) {F} ;

              every node/.style={fill=white,circle}]
    \path [-, alt=<15->{line width=1.2mm}{}] (A) edge node {$1$} (B);
    \path [-, alt=<12->{line width=1.2mm}{}] (D) edge node {$2$} (B);
    \path [-] (A) edge node {$3$} (D);
    \path [-, alt=<9->{line width=1.2mm}{}] (D) edge node {$3$} (E);
    \path [-, alt=<7->{line width=1.2mm}{}] (E) edge node {$2$} (F);
    \path [-] (E) edge node {$6$} (B);
    \path [-, pos=0.25] (E) edge node {$4$} (C);
    \path [-, alt=<16->{line width=1.2mm}{}] (B) edge node {$3$} (C);
    \path [-, pos=0.25] (B) edge node {$5$} (F);
    \path [-] (F) edge node {$4$} (C);

I would like to highlight each node label once on the transition that it changes.  How can I do that?  
Top Answer
Same as with all the other nodes, you can use `alt` etc. to change the colours of the label nodes on specific overlays.


\def\mylistE{{"$\infty/$null", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
\def\mylistD{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E", "3/E","3/E", "3/E","3/E", "3/E","3/E", "3/E", "3/E"}}
\def\mylistB{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "6/E", "6/F", "6/F", "6/F", "5/F", "5/F", "5/F","2/D", "2/D","2/D", "2/D","2/D","2/D"}}
\def\mylistF{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E", "2/E","2/E","2/E", "2/E","2/E", "2/E","2/E","2/E"}}
\def\mylistC{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "4/E",  "4/E","4/E", "4/E", "4/E", "4/E", "4/E","4/E", "3/B","3/B", "3/B", "3/B"}}
\def\mylistA{{"$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null",  "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "$\infty/$null", "3/D", "3/D", "3/D", "1/B", "1/B", "1/B", "1/B"}}


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,yshift=-3cm]
  every node/.style={fill=black, text=white, circle,thick,draw, minimum size=1.2cm},
  labels/.style={text=black,rectangle,minimum size=0.7cm}
    \node[label={[labels]  \pgfmathparse{\mylistA[  \insertslidenumber-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<15->{red}{black},text=white]  (A) at (0,5) {A};
    \node[label={[labels] \pgfmathparse{\mylistB[  \insertslidenumber-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<12->{red}{black},text=white]  (B) at (5,5) {B};
    \node[label={[labels, alt=<3>{fill=green,draw=teal}{}] \pgfmathparse{\mylistC[  \insertslidenumber-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<16->{red}{black},text=white]  (C) at (10,5) {C};
    \node[label={[yshift=-5em, labels] \pgfmathparse{\mylistD[  \insertslidenumber-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<9->{red}{black},text=white]  (D) at (0,0) {D};
    \node[label={[yshift=-5em, labels] \pgfmathparse{\mylistE[  \insertslidenumber-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<2->{red}{black},text=white]  (E) at (5,0) {E};
    \node[label={[yshift=-5em, labels]  \pgfmathparse{\mylistF[  \insertslidenumber-1]}\pgfmathresult},alt=<7->{red}{black},text=white]  (F) at (10,0) {F} ;

              every node/.style={fill=white,circle},
              every edge/.style={draw=red}]
    \path [-] (A) edge node {$1$} (B);
    \path [-] (D) edge node {$2$} (B);
    \path [-] (A) edge node {$3$} (D);
    \path [-] (D) edge node {$3$} (E);
    \path [-] (E) edge node {$2$} (F);
    \path [-] (E) edge node {$6$} (B);
    \path [-, pos=0.25] (E) edge node {$4$} (C);
    \path [-] (B) edge node {$3$} (C);
    \path [-, pos=0.25] (B) edge node {$5$} (F);
    \path [-] (F) edge node {$4$} (C);


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