beamer add tag
This is my code
\setbeamertemplate{theorem}[ams style]
\apptocmd{\frame}{}{\justifying}{} % Allow optional arguments after frame.


\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}
			\pgftext{\beamer@usesphere{section number projected}{tocsphere}}
				\usebeamerfont*{section number projected}%
				\usebeamercolor{section number projected}%



\begin{frame}{First frame}
    \item something
    \item some other thing

I got


How can I get symbol of items?
Top Answer
Don't use `enumitem` with beamer. They are not compatible.

You can avoid such problem by only loading the packages which you actually need. There are several other unnecessary packages in your preamble, e.g. `hyperref` and `graphicx`. Both of them are already loaded by beamer.




\frametitle{First frame}
    \item something
    \item some other thing


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